A Shoppaholic's Achilles feet

Every shopper can become a shopaholic and get into indiscriminate buying and the psychology behind this is best known to none other but the sellers. Ads and offers are all methods to prick the Achilles’ feet or the weak point of a customer and almost 70% would fall into them. Here are some of the better known secrets which would entice the consumer in buying products not actually necessary.

1. Adwise: Ads which advise you or which seems similar to your life would always make you seek for the product even if you don’t need any. Height increasing machines, Penis elongation tools all prick this weak point and ask questions humiliating your self. And one would always think these in real propositions going for the product without even checking their efficacy. But the fact is that you would never face these situations and you would never gain any length from them. Advising ads also has a great impact on your unconscious mind making you crave for something you worship in your hero.

2. Special Offers: Offers are an age old custom to entice the consumer. The word FREE is often framed in our mind that even needless items will you buy if something FREE is given making you think ‘anyway it’s profitable’. Some of the sellers add a free item which you would never expect to get otherwise. The fact is that the value of the actual product is raised much higher, but you would never notice it. This is the basic principle of the retailing sector.

3. 5 in 1 vs 1 in 1: If a watch offers you time, mp3, camera blablabla… you will most probably go in for it even though your actual aim was watching your time. Before any of these could function well your product would go into dusts or warranty and replacement centres. A better idea about choosing in such conditions is provided in Selection of camera or camera phone.

4. Growling Stomach: An empty stomach would always lead you into traps. If happened to see a grocery section, you will definitely go in for more and more products which if you recheck once you have had your breakfast would seem absurd. Whether online or offline, an empty stomach is a devil’s work’SHOP’.

5. Girls: The basic technique of putting hardly dressed beauties in advertisement of any products whether it is a car, apparel, deo, condom, pen is simple- a Pied Piper Phenomenon. According to psychology experts the wet, shining, blush lips of the girl would actually remind you of a girl’s vulva in your what’s called subconscious or unconscious mind. And the admakers have learnt psychology better than anyone else. Their hands would move in a gentle way and feet and eyes point towards you. Hairy or muscled men would do the same to the fairer sex. So get yourself under control and remind these when some girl/boy look through your eyes.

Having gone this far, I know anyone would fall for these and it would happen time and again. Shopaholics needing some reason or the other for buying stuffs are the major aims. Others would go in for feedbacks and reviews which are seldom true. Dealing with them would need a altogether different blogpost and would soon be on your explorers.

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