Will Walmart Beat It?

Walmart has announced reduction in prices of products progressively, so that shoppers can get the lowest by the Christmas season. Well, according to a recent report from Economizer, you can get the answer to be Yes or No.

Yes, when it comes to the fact that it may be the lowest of the Walmart prices as it has conceded the fact that low prices are what attracts customers to Walmart. You can surely expect some fantastic bargains and deals this holiday season.

But why does Walmart has to publicise it soon enough and give details to all media parties? It is just the marketing trick. It is a fact that other retailers like McMillan, Doolittle etc can beat Walmart prices or at least match them. They actually try to make everything at least $1 cheaper than Walmart.

So the moral behind the story is that someone is just screaming from the roof tops.

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